Bizarre stock photos are in. Granted, these have always been at least semi-popular due to a consistent need for unusual images in certain circumstances. We’re not just talking about authenticity (also very popular), but genuinely odd or unique stock images. Not that long ago, images of a smiling team of people all staring at a camera during a board meeting would have been commonplace, but that is now considered to be too ‘stocky’ or at the very least unauthentic. This is what gave rise to authentic imagery, and subsequently, bizarre images.

So, what is bizarre imagery? How do you know when you’ve seen it? It’s actually pretty identifiable because its, well…bizarre. Something which stands out as unusual in terms of features, colors, placement or positioning is what will catch the eye through being unique and having an individual flair. This doesn’t mean that all ‘unique’ or ‘unusual’ images are weird of course, but these themes do lend a certain style to these images which add an extra layer of individuality.

What makes bizarre imagery popular? One theory is that while authentic imagery will take the cake on a corporate or professional website aimed at larger organizations, if you’re a creative agency or a business with an artistic style bizarre imagery may well be for you. Giving off an unusual, boundary pushing image can help cement your brand identity as being unique and pioneering.

Unusual or odd styles of imagery have been increasing in popularity in recent times, possibly due to their unique aura or the individual sense of self that they convey. Commercially, these photos are not only becoming more viable as a selling point for photographers, but also becoming more viable for use by almost any organisation.
Ingimage have a curated collection of unique and individual imagery. Whether you think this is ‘bizarre’ or not is up to you. Let us know your thoughts below.
Whether you think this is ‘bizarre’ or not is up to you. Let us know your thoughts below.
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