It’s the time of year that parents (secretly) long for and that kids (openly) dread. That said, it also means it’s time to spruce up your Back-To-School marketing campaigns. To do our part in helping with this, we’ve put together some of our favourite images that demonstrate this:

1. While academic achievement is the primary focus of schools, sport has always been a staple of extra-curricular activities. With Covid-19 showing signs of easing and pupil attendance levels increasing, we’re likely to see sports pick up further in schools.

2. Education all over the world. With a range showcasing individual subjects, this ‘all-in-one’ style of vector art really covers all the bases needed for educational imagery.

3. Want to make that perfect flyer? You’ve found it. With American style imagery supporting topics outside the classroom such as sports, this image not only makes for a perfect banner or flyer background, but also showcases the various elements needed as part of any Back-To-School checklist.

4. Authenticity is a very hot topic at the moment, with many organisations (including ourselves) rating it as one of the top 5 photography trends of the year. Then what could be better than an authentic image of children learning in the classroom? Authentic imagery will prove a strong part of any marketing campaign.

5. School isn’t all about learning, it’s a social environment too. Demonstrating that students can learn and socialise is a key part of this image, and adds a relatable and realistic flair to its style.
To get a wider range of images and find the perfect branding for your campaign, take a look at the full Ingimage Back-To-School collection. If you’re looking for something more specific, let us know and we’ll get back to you with a selection of images that will suit your needs.
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